Article of someone who got the eye sight deprived with EMF/ELF
This is a article from a website that proves high levels of emf and elf will cause blindness.How am I going to live properly ,live,eat survive ,if i'm blind?I hope the NSA agents can just remove the EMF/ELF,no body will want or keep me if I get cancer.I will be kicked out if I get cancer.I will have no way to survive if I get cancer,blind,sick.:
I am going to take on PG&E starting tomorrow for damaging my health due to the installation of 4 smart meters right outside my bedroom window, and since then my health has been continuously deteriorating. I have insomnia, nightmares, headaches like an ice pick is being jammed in my head, fogginess, blurred vision (and getting worse by the week), tinnitus, and heart palpitations, all of which never existed until the installation of the 4 smart meters last Summer, and gradually getting worse. I moved my bedroom into the living room, of which reduced the effects by half, but that’s not good enough when something that is killing you is still in your home! All of my symptoms are documented by my physician, but he said they are vague and cannot be evidenced as produced by smartmeters. I was a trained Naturopathic Doctor and absolutely know my own body, and every time I leave the house for extended periods of time, all the symptoms miraculously vanish! It has been a 5 month ordeal calling countless times, PG&E, the Smart Meter reps, both of which tell me there is nothing I can do since they claim they cannot remove the smartmeters… PERIOD! In retaliation, last month I gave them a decision to remove the smart meters in 10 days or I would remove them myself. A man called me from the Smart meter office and said the moment I remove even one of the meters, the police will be called and I will be put to jail. So, the only decision they gave me was to sit at home and die. Seriously… I think I have only a few months to live if they leave these meters outside my bedroom window. I spoke to 2 supervisors from Smart Meter company and both told me there is nothing they can do, and that there was going to be a public hearing about other complaints, but don’t know when, said it’s going to be a while… and couldn’t give me any date as to when I can expect a public hearing on the matter. Both confirmed to me on the phone that there is no reported adverse affects due to the smartmeters, and started trying to convince my body on how safe they are! However, because I know all too well here, one supervisor recommended that if I’m not happy where I live that I should just move out! I can’t afford to move out, and why would I want to if I’m very happy here apart from the damaging health due to the meters. This weekend I have finally had enough! I decided to take PG&E to court in a lawsuit. I am in process of locating the attorney as I write this. I am going tomorrow into the office of PG&E and giving them 10 days to remove the smart meters so it will be recorded on my account since jail or death is my only option at this point! So, my constitutional right to health is being outright violated by ELF Wave poisoning with Big Brother in complete control as someone who is slowly torturing and murdering me! PLEASE HELP, in any way you can, and QUICKLY! Please help do something about this before I am murdered by the PG&E company! I feel like my brain is exploding in my head and it’s getting worse by the day!
A.S. Sonoma County
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