Trying to make me pay

I turned to selling blood when I had no money to eat not so long ago. Seeing so,NSA agents from wex / /btc-e decided to make me pay by causing me memory problems so I need to pay money to see doctor, by burning my eyes so that I will need to see a doctor for my eyes. Destroying the electronics in the house to make me pay and repair, trick me to travel around in promises of fake jobs so that they could make me waste transport money. Depriving me of sleep and then trying to convince me to gather money to buy ambien from doctors.Upon using it for a few days they will increase the EMF so the money you spent buying sleep aids will not work so its money wasted.They will make you go continuously without sleep for 8 days at a shot teetering on the brink of death,causing me severe eye bads and open pores,then they will try to force me to pay by convince me to get eye bag surgery and lasers for open pores instead of just stopping the sleep deprivation which they could just do.They put the EMF on me and try to convince me to go work to spend everything to build some faraday cage which I can't afford in the first place.Later I found out faraday cages don't work.
 They have been trying to decipher my finances in order to find out the magnitude that they can force me to pay to make me left no money to eat and force me to commit suicide on my own


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