

Some people say that I do not need to explain to those bad NSA agents who is trying to decipher my life.However,these bad NSA agents will torture me with massive hair loss and take away my eye sight and cause me cancers when I don't explain.But somehow,I don't know if they will continue causing me health problems even if I explained. Somehow I think these NSA agents are rather twisted the way the take a step by step approach to make me depressed enough to commit suicide on my own so that they can get their ultimate prize.Shocking but true ,they did told me to commit suicide on my own I don't know how to get this EMF off me and get NSA agents to leave me alone.These psychologists,NSA agents ,gang stalkers don't want to leave because they are simply selfish.They want me to continue being monitored for life  so that they can gain a salary off it.

Food videos

I enjoy watching food videos on youtube ,watching people eat expensive stuff like expensive caviar,or crocodile meat ,that you can't afford to eat, makes feel that I am eating it.Makes me momentarily happier while i'm in this horrid torture.

Trying to make me pay

I turned to selling blood when I had no money to eat not so long ago. Seeing so,NSA agents from wex / /btc-e decided to make me pay by causing me memory problems so I need to pay money to see doctor, by burning my eyes so that I will need to see a doctor for my eyes. Destroying the electronics in the house to make me pay and repair, trick me to travel around in promises of fake jobs so that they could make me waste transport money. Depriving me of sleep and then trying to convince me to gather money to buy ambien from doctors.Upon using it for a few days they will increase the EMF so the money you spent buying sleep aids will not work so its money wasted.They will make you go continuously without sleep for 8 days at a shot teetering on the brink of death,causing me severe eye bads and open pores,then they will try to force me to pay by convince me to get eye bag surgery and lasers for open pores instead of just stopping the sleep deprivation which they could just do.They...

Nsa agents are trying to weaken my memory so I can't function or remember anything in the future.

Nsa agents are trying to weaken my memory so I can't function or remember anything in the future.They are also trying to deplete white matter in my brain.

Nsa agents said they will kill me in a heart attack

NSA agents from wex/ /btc-e said they will kill me in a heart attack.

Head pains

Nsa agents are causing me head pains now.

Angel sponsorship

If any angel wants to contact me for any faraday cage sponsorship or anything. I can be contacted at They are weakening my memory to cause me dementia. Any angel can pay directly to a faraday builder or send me cash in the mail.I don't do meet up.